Get a link to this page, where you can vote once every 12 hours to redeem 1 ticket (2 on Friday–Sunday)
Receive a 50–100 gold bonus once every 23.5 hours
Drop a set of cards in the current channel
k!collection [user]
Check a user’s collection (defaults to yours if no user)
k!view [card code]
View a high-resolution image of a card (defaults to last card obtained if no code)
k!remind [vote/daily/drop/grab]
Have Karuta automatically DM you when any of these cooldowns are up (shows current cooldowns if no parameters)
k!lookup [character name]
Look up the details of a character
k!wishlist [user]
View the wishlist of a user (defaults to yours if no user)
k!wishadd [character name]
Add a character to your wishlist for Karuta to mention you whenever it appears in a drop
k!wishremove [character name]
Remove a character from your wishlist
Set the current channel as the one Karuta will watch for your wished cards
k!burn [code]
Destroy a card and collects its resources (defaults to last card obtained if no code)
Give another user one of your cards
Trade one card at a time with another user
Trade one or multiple cards and/or items with another user
k!items [user]
View the inventory of a user (defaults to yours if no user)
Browse the standard item shop
Browse the gem shop
Browse the ticket shop
k!buy [amount]
Purchase an item from a shop
Use an item from your inventory
k!userinfo [user]
View details of a user (defaults to yours if no user)
k!serverinfo [server ID]
View details of a server (defaults to current server if no server)
View current server’s chest details and progress
k!chestgive amount
Contribute gems to current server’s chest