over 2 years ago
Good bot, however wish it had a command that automatically blacklists all channels, then allows you to exempt specific channels from the blacklist, or something to that effect.
Most enhanced multi-language VALORANT bot with stats, MMR, autoroles based on mmr, auto-news/status and much more, everything made with <3
VALORANT LABS | Discord Verified | v5.4
Servers the Bot is in VALORANT DE [Around 80k users] VALORANT Polska [Around 55k users] VALORANT Brazil [Around 80k users] Valorant TH Ignition [Around 55k users]
Available Slash Commands:
/agent [AGENT] ==> Shows information about an agent
/api ==> Shows the link to the open backend API
/autoroles get ==> Returns the current autoroles config
/autoroles setup [RANK] [ROLE] ==> Configure the autorole system
/autoroles send ==> Sends the autorole embed innto the channel
/blacklist get ==> Shows information about all blacklisted channels
/blacklist add ==> Adds a channel to the blacklist
/blacklist remove ==> Removes a channel from the blacklist
/botinfo ==> Shows information about the bot itself (resource usage etc.)
/feedback ==> Opens a modal where you can type your feedback in
/game [GAMEKEY] ==> Shows data about a played match
/help ==> Sh+ows help page
/link get ==> Shows linked account
/link add ==> Links a new riot account with your discord account
/link remove ==> Removes a linked account
/map [MAP] ==> Shows information about a map
/mmr ==> Shows MMR Data per Episode/Act and current data when you are linked
/mmr [NAME#TAG] ==> Shows MMR Data per Episode/Act and current data for the given username
/patch ==> Shows link to the latest patch notes
/private ==> Set's the connected account to a private state
/settings get ==> Shows guild settings
/settings set patchnotes [VALUE] ==> Set autonews channel for patchnotes
/settings set othernews [VALUE] ==> Set autonews channel for website articles that are not patchnotes
/settings set serverstatus [VALUE] ==> Set autonews channel for server issues
/settings set language [VALUE] ==> Set guild language
/settings set blacklist [true/false] ==> Enables/disables the blacklist system
/settings set background [IMG TYPE] [FILE] ==> Updates the background for the selected type (mmr, stats, game)
/settings deactivate [TYPE] ==> Deactivates the selected setting
/stats ==> Shows your own stats if you are linked or returns a help message
/stats [NAME#TAG] ==> Shows stats of another player
/status [CLUSTER] ==> Shows server status for the requested server cluster
/vote ==> Shows link to the top.gg vote page
/weapon [WEAPON] ==> Shows inforamtion about a weapon
/weapons ==> Shows information about all weapons ingame
If you have any suggestions, write me a DM per Discord: Henrik3#1451 or contact me via email: contact@valorantlabs.xyz
VALORANT LABS isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.
17 reviews
Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
over 2 years ago
Good bot, however wish it had a command that automatically blacklists all channels, then allows you to exempt specific channels from the blacklist, or something to that effect.
almost 3 years ago
It was really nice to use! Only problem I have is that sometimes the text goes outside the box in the pictures.
over 3 years ago
Currently the only valorant discord bot with the stats feature. 4/5 stars. Would be 5/5 if the bot didn't take awhile to load the stats. Otherwise, the best valorant stats bot I know.
about 2 years ago
VALORANT LABS est très simple d'utilisation et performant, si vous voulez un système de Statistique du jeu Valorant pour votre communauté je vous le recommande :)
almost 2 years ago
"/template ==> Creates autorole templates which a configurable with your own roles (agent and rank)" I'm excited about this feature, as it will save the server I run a lot of hassle since there's no good bot that does this yet that I've found. I wish bots, in general, would be able to whitelist channels rather than having to blacklist every channel except for the bot-commands channel, but eh. A m ...
almost 3 years ago
Amazing but you should make the instructions in the help menu more clear e.g. instead of v?link it should say v?link RIOT-ID and also it is a little slow but that might just be a problem with my server:) (not sure), other than that I think this bot is perfect
over 2 years ago
awsome bot. but what would make it 5 star is if you could have a command that when a new patch comes out it puts the patch at the perferd server if you cant that is fine but if you could that would make it a 5 star all the way
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HenrikDev Systems
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