over 3 years ago
Didn't work, when I tried to play something it said. "Could not find player config"
A bot created to fulfill your needs with music and some other functions such as purge or user-info! More functions are coming in the future.
EvolveMusicBot is a music bot that focuses on making lives of people on discord that want to listen to music easier and cooler. It contains the main functions such as Play, Pause, Stop, Loop, Playlist etc., and the best part is that those functions are interactive with the user. The user with a press of a button can Play, Skip, Stop and Loop the song he/she started playing by doing the command "/search [Tittle or Url]", which supports Youtube, Soundcloud and will support Spotify in the future. Also if someone is spamming and is annoying there is a ban function also the purge function to make it easier to delete the messages. Going back to the music functions, there are some like: skipto, shuffle, lyrics and volume so that the user can lower the song volume and not the bot. In addition to these commands, in the future there are going to be more functions like: Giving roles based on the game someone is playing, Having reactions to different types of messages and spam or negative words, etc. (Which I'll think of) EvolveBot Help
== List of all commands ==
• /help (h) - Display all commands and descriptions.
• /loop (l) - Toggle music loop.
• /lyrics (ly) - Get lyrics for the currently playing song.
• /np - Show now playing song.
• /pause - Pause the currently playing music
• /play (p) - Plays audio from YouTube or Soundcloud.
• /playlist (pl) - Play a playlist from youtube.
• /pruning - Toggle pruning of bot messages.
• /purge - Delete the last messages in all chats.
• /queue (q) - Show the music queue and now playing.
• /remove - Remove song from the queue.
• /resume (r) - Resume currently playing music.
• /search - Search and select videos to play.
• /shuffle - Shuffle queue.
• /skip (s) - Skip the currently playing song.
• /skipto (st) - Skip to the selected queue number.
• /stop - Stops the music.
• /userinfo - Get information about a user.
• /volume (v) - Change volume of currently playing music.
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over 3 years ago
Didn't work, when I tried to play something it said. "Could not find player config"