What awaits you? The bot masters almost all necessary functions for a perfect Discord server! The bot contains all important moderation commands, as well as many fun commands, info commands, game commands and other very useful commands with which you can make your server perfect!
A small overview of the most important functions can be found here:
➦ Moderation commands:
□ Ban/Softban/Unban Members
□ Kick Members
□ Add/Remove Role
□ Lock/Unlock Channels
□ Nuke Channels
□ Change Nicknames
□ Mute/Unmute Members
□ Clear Messages
□ Steal/Delete Emojis
□ Move Members
□ Blacklist words
□ Inviteblocker
□ Antiraid
➦ Game commands:
□ Slot
□ Guess the number
□ Tic Tac Toe
□ Find Imposter
➦ Fun commands:
□ Sent Memes
□ Sent funny animal pictures
□ Fake Hack/Bann Commands
□ Howcool/Howhot/Hogay & how much IQ Commands
➞ And more!
➦ The bot also includes:
□ Invitesystem (Disabled because of tos)
□ Welcomesystem
□ Ticketsystem
□ Join Role
□ Music Commands (Disabled because of youtube tos)
□ Autopublisher
□ Voice Activity Games
□ Jail System
□ Server Stats
□ Custom Commands
The bot contains so many commands that it's impossible to mention them all in this info, just convince yourself and invite the bot to your server!
Here are a few pictures to illustrate the functions:
The bot contains so many commands that it's impossible to mention them all in this info, just convince yourself and invite the bot to your server!
Here are a few pictures to illustrate the functions:
➦ Inviteblocker:

➦ Addemoji:

➦ Blacklist:
➦ Ghostping system:
➦ Ticket system: