Anime Based Bot with such Commands and Customizable! Auto Ping, Auto Role, Chat Bot, Miscs, and More! Make your Server more Softy!
Sends a random Anime Meme!
Get an info on specific Anime series!
Get a Random Anime PfP!
Sends a random Anime Wallpaper for pc!
Sends a random Anime Wallpaper for mobile!
Search a ship by name!
Get info on specific Anime Character!
Sends a random Neko!
Sends a random Neko Gif!
Sends a random Anime Facts!
Sends a random Anime Quote!
Sends a random Anime Image!
Sends a random Anime Character!
Disable/Enable a Channel for my commands!
Set the Autorole System!
Add a Role to specific user!
Remove a Role to specific user!
Set the Autorole System!
Set the AutoPing Channel!
Add or Remove Custom Command in the server!
Wolverine Meme!
Stonks Meme!
i am speed Meme!
I can milk you Meme!
Drip Meme!
Emergency Among Us Meme!
Ejected Among Us Meme!
Carreverse Meme!
Water Meme!
Set yourself Afk!
Make your avatar or someones' avatar downloadable!
Shows list of Emojis in the Server!
Lists all modules and description
Shows how many hours, days, mins i'm alive (online)!
Shows info about me!
Shows data weather of specific location!
Shows info about specific role!
Get info of a specific user!
Get info of the server!
Get the member count of a specific Server!
Hug someone or just yourself!
Marry to Someone!
Divorce to someone!
Kiss someone or just yourself!
Cuddle someone or just yourself!
Poke someone or just yourself!
Feed someone or just yourself!
Think about someone or just yourself!
Confused with someone or just yourself!
Smug at someone or just yourself!
Pat someone or just yourself!
Punch at someone or just yourself!
Pout at someone or just yourself!
Slap someone or just yourself!
Glomp at someone or just yourself!
Cringe at someone or just yourself!
Highfive at someone or just yourself!
Bully someone or just yourself!
Tickle someone or just yourself!
Dance with someone or just yourself!
Wave at someone or just yourself!
Nom someone or just yourself!
Bite someone or just yourself!
Bonk someone or just yourself!
Smile at someone or just yourself!
Handhold with someone or just yourself!
Run at someone or just yourself!
Happy with someone or just yourself!
Nervous at someone or just yourself!
Vomit at someone or just yourself!
Cry at someone or just yourself!
Clap at someone or just yourself!
Scared at someone or just yourself!
Hello at someone or just yourself!
Goodbye at someone or just yourself!
Blush at someone or just yourself!
Bored with someone or just yourself!
Sad with someone or just yourself!
2 reviews
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