The self proclaimed "most advanced Discord Moderation" bot
The self proclaimed "most advanced Discord Moderation" bot or Rushia, is a Bot that is focused on Moderationa and Managing your server with ease
Unlike other Moderation bots, Rushia is unique. For an example, if you were to use Dyno and type "?warn @user" without providing a reason, it will cancle your command and tell you to specify a reason while Rushia will ask you for the reason, all you have to do is type the reason and you can warn the user
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Text Verification Its the same as reaction to a emoji to get access to a server, but users need to type in order to get verified
Text Verification is where you need to type a specific message (caps sensitive) configured by the server staff. For an example, if I set my text verification message to be i am not a bot
, all users who enter the server must type i am not a bot
in the specified channel in order to get access to the server
To set it up, just type rtsv (replace r
if your prefix is not r
) and Rushia will tell you what to do
1 review
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r (customiseable)
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