Good Knight12.98K#PromotedViewInviteVote (74)Elevate your server security! With in-server password protection, Good Knight is the ONLY bot that can stop hacks & scams for good!Elevate your server security! With in-server password protection, Good Knight is the ONLY bot that can stop hacks & scams for good!ViewInviteVote (74)
ProtatorBotCaptcha+8ViewInviteVote (43)Safe and reliable high-speed captcha bot, effectively protect your server from bot raids and provide your members with a safe environment! Safe and reliable high-speed captcha bot, effectively protect your server from bot raids and provide your members with a safe environment! ViewInviteVote (43)
Lolex5eğlencesecurityViewInviteVote (37)Lolex eğlence ve moderasyon botudur sunucularınızı eğlenceli ve güvenli tutmak için vardırLolex eğlence ve moderasyon botudur sunucularınızı eğlenceli ve güvenli tutmak için vardırViewInviteVote (37)
Dat Bot4.9705Advanced Moderation ToolsAutoroles+10ViewInviteVote (38)DatBot - Levelsystem, Security, Moderation & Logs, Information, Games, Entertainment, Social Media and much more!DatBot - Levelsystem, Security, Moderation & Logs, Information, Games, Entertainment, Social Media and much more!ViewInviteVote (38)
Locked4.41.43Kaiantinuke+6ViewInviteVote (31)One of the best security bots with a lot of unique features!One of the best security bots with a lot of unique features!ViewInviteVote (31)
Flyght5Role Managementsecurity+3ViewInviteVote (27)Know Your Member (KYM) for Discord servers. Ask your new members a survey to help you know more about them!Know Your Member (KYM) for Discord servers. Ask your new members a survey to help you know more about them!ViewInviteVote (27)
Bot Security 5Developer SecuritysecurityViewInviteVote (26) Bot Security Bot SecurityViewInviteVote (26)
Golyatsec Guard4.8antinukeantiraid+9ViewInviteVote (24)Yeni Nesil Discord Güvenlik Botu | New Generation Discord Security BotYeni Nesil Discord Güvenlik Botu | New Generation Discord Security BotViewInviteVote (24)
Serax Shield524/7antinuke+6ViewInviteVote (24)We are verified, which means you can trust us. Serax Shield can now hold infinity Server.We are verified, which means you can trust us. Serax Shield can now hold infinity Server.ViewInviteVote (24)
CRAZY4.4clanFun+3ViewInviteVote (23)Crazy is a powerful security , fun , utility and moderation bot.Crazy is a powerful security , fun , utility and moderation bot.ViewInviteVote (23)
QuarkyAutomoderationecommerce+4ViewInviteVote (22) ✨ From E-Commerce Solutions to Server Management Tools. We've Got You Covered ✨ ✨ From E-Commerce Solutions to Server Management Tools. We've Got You Covered ✨ViewInviteVote (22)