Catch SHINY & LEGENDARY Pokémon, Battle, Clans, Trade/Market/Auctions, Evolve Pokemon, hatch Eggs & more in PokeMeow!
Start catching Pokemon!
• Good luck finding Legendaries & Shinies!
• Earn PokéCoins and spend them in the ;shop

• View your Pokédex and see which ones you have left to catch
• You can see the evolution line, stats, and total ingame count of every Pokemon!

• Fish Pokemon. Careful with the current!

• Battle other trainers or NPCs! Defeat NPCs to unlock their sprites & icons.

• Walk around different maps to find Pokemon & uncover secrets!

• Collect eggs from lootboxes and hatch them for egg-exclusive Pokemon
• If you're lucky, you might hatch a Shiny!

• Train your buddy for battle!

• Evolve a Pokemon once it reaches its required level.
• Some Pokemon require Friendship to evolve while others evolve with Evolution Stones.
• Evolve your Shinies and Goldens for better stats! Golden Pokemon have slightly higher IVs than others.

• View all of your Pokémon, and find other trainers to trade Pokémon with.
• Collect Goldens (released on special occasions), Shinies (Weekly events!), and lots more Pokémon!

• Get a new Quest every 2 hours and complete them for rewards.
• Rewards include: PokéCoins, balls, lootboxes, repels, and other useful items to help you catch more Pokémon!

• Automatically catches Pokémon overnight.
• Upgrade your catchbot to catch more Pokémon.
• You have a small chance at finding Legendaries or Shinies!

• You can buy your balls here!
• Buy items such as Amulet Coins, which increase the amount of money you get from catches by 5% each!
• You can buy up to 5 Shiny Charms with Vote Coins which increase your Shiny rate by 1% each!

• New Events are hosted on special occasions!
• Catch Pokémon with boosted Shiny Rates by purchasing an Event Ticket with your coins!
• The first event was the release of Shiny Kanto Legendaries! Once an event ends, the event Pokémon are put back at their original rates.

• View all of your items!

• View your own & other player profiles!
• Collect badges during Special events, and show off your favorite Pokemon & collections for all to see!

And so much more! Type ;help to explore the rest of the game. Make sure to vote for in-game rewards!
Looking forward to seeing you join, feel free to join the support server if you have any questions.